Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Diary Blog - Term 3 - Week 9

Week 9

This week i finished creating the crossover in 'Circuit Wiz' and traced it out '2D Design'. '2D Design' was a lot faster than the original idea of tracing it in 'Freehand'. Circuit Wiz was really easy as i have already used it in other subjects. 2D Design wasn't hard to use, but it did take quite awhile to get use to the program as it had been a year ago since using it. So i pulled out the tutorials and asked a colleague. I also started etching out my crossover in the CAM machine. Mr. Hawkings is currently taking our class and showing the students how to setup the EGX-350 Cam2 Machine.

Problem In-counted: The EGX-350 was cutting way too deep.
Problem Solved: I adjusted the depth and started again.
Next Steps: Finnish etching out my crossover and solder all the components

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Diary Blog - Term 3 - Week 6

NCEA Exams

Diary Blog - Term 3 - Week 8

Week 8

This week i worked out the values of the Capacitor and Inductor values for my crossover and put them into my Circuit Wiz design. The two crossover over frequencies i have used is 1000kHz and 3500kHz. The Capacitor values i have used are based off the Loudspeaker Cook book. I also went down to Jay Car to purchase the capacitors and inductors

Problem In-counted: Converting the capacitor and inductor values into their correct form. e.g. mF, uH, F, uF H
Problem Solved: I researched online on how to convert these values.
Next Steps: To Finnish off the 2D design work and to cut out the crossovers.

Diary Blog - Term 3 - Week 7

Week 7

I started on creating my crossover in Circuit wizard. I have acquired advice from the expert teacher, Mr. Hawkings. He suggested that i do a Dual (2) two-way 2nd order Bessel Crossover, as it is to advance to create a 2nd order three-way Bessel crossover. The Dual two-way crossover will achieve the same results as the 3-way. You place each crossover between the Tweeter and Mid, and between the Mid and woofer.

Diary Blog - Term 3 - Week 3

Week 3

This week i started to glue my box together using a high strength all-purpose glue.  We used ratchet clanks and ties to hold the boxes together while the glue settled. We also used the racket clanks to apply more force to the box as normal clamps would not apply enough pressure to the box.

Problem In-counted: The initial idea of put the strap directly to the box wouldn't work as the glue would stick the straps to the box.
Problem Solved: So we made wooden clips that went along the side of the box and placed paper in between. The clips also helped to apply the force from the straps evenly over the box.
Next Steps: Wait for glue to dry and to foam my box.

Diary Blog - Term 3 - Week 5

Week 5

I started to foam my box. it was quite tricky and tight trying to put the foam into place while trying to staple it onto the box. Things were initially going good until the foam was thrown out. This delayed the foaming process so i worked on my paper work and blog.