Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Diary Blog - Week 11

Week 11

- Continued to create mock-up box problems that i occurred last week are creeping back up this week. Both side panels are off set and so I'm going to need to either sand them down or use a plain.
- I started to sand down the builders blog. learnt that you don't need much bog or else you have do to more sanding and wasting time.
- The dust from sanding is very messy.
- We used 100 - 120 grade sand paper. Lower the number, rougher the paper is.

Problem In-counted: I applied too much bog.
Problem Solved: I started using a low grade sand paper to get rid of the excess amount of bog.
Next Steps: Spray paint my box

Diary Blog - Week 8

Week 8

I have completed a huge chunk of my concepts and designs. I have also created a large scale design of the speaker I'm aiming to build. While creating the concepts, i have also been thinking about the volume of my box as it will effect the acoustics of my speakers.

Diary Blog - Week 7

Week 7

I started to create my mock-ups drawings and concepts for my speaker. The first drawings were small little mocks until i was told by my teacher that they need to be about the size of my palm. I need to have 20 different concepts and developments by the end of the term.

Problem In-counted: My pencil broke
Problem Solved: I Got a new one
Next Steps: Finnish off my Concepts

Diary Blog - Week 10

Week 10

- We started to build our boxes. We are using both Butt Joints and Miter joints to test how each one looks and how to put together. we are using 3.2 drill bits and self taping screws. We are pre-drilling the holes so that its easier to drill and so the box is also square. We glued the miter joints together and Bogged the holes.

Problem In-counted: Two holes on one side of the box splinted because i didn't drill deep enough before placing in screws.
Problem Solved: The teacher told me to drill two new holes next to the previous ones and bog the old holes.
Next Steps: Sand down the bog so that its flush with the box.

Diary Blog - Week 9

Week 9

- We started to cut out our pieces of wood on the bench saw. we learnt how to use the bench saw and did some cuts. We cut some pieces in half and some with 45 degree angles so that we can do miter joints. We also learnt

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Diary Blog - Week 6

Week 6

I did more research about speakers in general and cleaned up a few bits and pieces. I also started to use and import designs and ideas from my research into my my concepts and mock-ups. This has helped me create a better box as the box will be fitting around the speakers.